What Has 2024 Taught Us?

What Has 2024 Taught Us?

What HAS 2024 taught us? Today I thought it would be fun to sit down and write something a little different, and given it’s now that time of year where others are sitting down and reflecting on the year that has passed, I thought I would do the same.

Make no mistake, 2024 has been a very difficult year, not only just for the themed attractions industry but also for a lot of people personally too.

This year I set out with the intention of proving to myself once and for all that beating my anxiety wasn’t just a dream, but something I could ACTUALLY achieve.

Throughout 2024 I have spread my wings, achieved what once seemed impossible and ultimately proven to myself there is a world to explore outside of the UK!!

But it hasn’t been all plain sailing, this year has also thrown some serious challenges at me, some moments of awful, dread filled despair and moments I genuinely wondered why I was still actually doing this.

Regardless of these moments though I kept fighting on, pushed my boundaries and turned dreams into reality at each and every turn.

2024 was the year to finally turn my dreams into reality as I spread my wings and explored the world beyone our shores here in the UK!

Finding My Fearless!

For many, when you quote the phrase “find your fearless” they tend to think of Hyperia and the opening of the UK’s NEW tallest and fastest roller coaster, but for me, I think of my journey throughout 2024!

Back in December of 2023 I finally managed to pluck up the courage to pack my bag and head beyond the English Channel as I headed to Plopsaland De Panne (courtesy of Matt & Kelly) for my first ever visit.

It wasn’t just The Ride To Happiness that captivated me that day though. Seeing what could be achieved outside of the UK struck something within me and I was gripped by the European bug.

Since then I have traveled as far as Poland, Germany and even The Netherlands in search of the next big thrill, but to achieve all of that within just one year feels like a sheer feat in itself.

It’s fair to say that through breaking boundaries and proving to myself I COULD travel abroad on my own (with friends) I well and truly found my own “fearless”.

As a result this year has seen me experience brand new parks, bucket list roller coasters and find a new Top 10 in the process.

2024 has seen me explore beyond the shores of the British Isles and find new and exciting rides to experience including this one - Zadra and Energylandia!

Making NEW Memories.

With riding new rides and experiencing new parks comes the chance to make new memories too, and I’ve certainly made plenty of those this year for sure!

2024 has been jam packed with exciting new ride experiences, mind blowing revelations and moments of just sheer……..WOW!!

From riding Zadra and Hyperion (two firm bucket list coasters) to experiencing my new number one – Voltron Nevera at Europa Park 2024 has opened my eyes to a brand new, much bigger world of thrills and excitement I never thought possible.

In the process I have experienced TRUE immersion, REAL thrills and AUTHENTICITY where I never expected to find it, and for this I am truly grateful.

With good memories come bad ones though sadly. Throughout 2024 I have also experienced personal turmoil, moments of brutal realisation and deep, deep depression.

The year started off fairly positive, but towards February I took a deep dive into a bout of depression which nearly destroyed me.

Once through and out the other side of this I began to spread my wings and travel as much as possible, forever trying to distract me from the ongoing daily battle with depression.

In late 2024 I was once again brought to my knees as TPI dropped from a team of 4 to just me (Joe). Whilst I’m not going to go into why this was suffice it to say I am very much a one man band now.

Regardless of this 2024 has brought far more positive memories than bad ones and traveling to new parks and attractions has certainly helped me grow both mentally and physically too.

2024 brought the chance to create many new and exciting memories including riding Voltron Nevera for the very first time at Europa Park!

Highlights of 2024.

So, with all of the above in mind what have been my favourite highlights of 2024? Well, there are certainly a lot to pick from!

Riding Zadra and Hyperion were certainly some fun times and stepping back into Europa Park after 22 years definitely felt amazing too, but it has to be the first day of the season at Alton Towers that really stands out the most.

March 2024 finally saw Nemesis return to Alton Towers with the launch of Nemesis Reborn! Being there for such an amazing day and seeing that many enthusiasts in one place really made me feel truly at home in a world I love.

The atmosphere was electric, Forbidden Valley looked incredible and Nemesis, wow, what a transformation she’d undergone.

Now yes, Nemesis is definitely not riding like she used to, but what has been added and just how much she has been improved is mind blowing.

Forbidden Valley’s transformation very much felt like a step in the right direction and seemed to promise a bright and positive year ahead. As we now know though that just wasn’t meant to be.

As a result I finally decided to push myself to explore parks outside of the UK and in doing so found such new favourites Phantasialand, Europa Park and of course Efteling.

In Spring of this year I enjoyed another personal highlight as I experienced Efteling Theme Park Resort in the Netherlands for the first time. Having wanted to visit here for over 10 years, I felt blown away when I finally stepped through the turnstiles and into the park.

I truth though, there have been so many highlights this year that it’s hard to pin point an absolute favourite.

Nemesis Reborn opening day at Alton Towers was absolutely incredible and felt like being at home for the very first time.

Lessons Learned.

Now, if you’ve been following Theme Park Insanity for a while you’ll know that 2024 has been by far our BIGGEST & BEST year yet, and the growth we have experienced has been mental to say the least.

With this however I’ve also learned some incredibly harsh lessons too. Knowing WHO to trust being the biggest one of all.

There are so many out there who would pretend to be one thing when they are infact another and as a result people are NEVER who they first appear.

The more you grow as a creator though, the more and more this becomes evident. I never really trust anyone as a rule anyway, but this year has firmly cemented that approach as being the correct one to adopt.

Moving forward I will be keeping myself to myself and will no longer be accepting collaboration requests from those I don’t already know.

There have also been those who have actively tried to spoil my experience as a creator with their selfish behaviour too and I can safely say this has had no effect on my drive as a creator whatsoever.

I’ve learned many lessons throughout 2024 and keeping my circle small is probably the biggest of them all.

As I move into 2025 TPI will become a one person effort after lessons learned throughout 2024 have proven this the best approach.

2025 And New Horizons!

So, what HAS 2024 taught me? Well, keep your circle small, don’t let others suck the joy out of what you love and keep being yourself no matter what life throws your way.

These are just a few of this year’s realisations, but with that said I’ve also come to realise this too – I’m JUST getting started!!

2025 is set to be even BIGGER and BETTER than ever with plenty of new parks to explore on the agenda, lost of really cool opportunities and the chance to expand outside of Europe for the very first time.

As a result I will continue to push forwards, not hold back and grow as a person in each and every way possible at every turn.

2024 may have been tough, but 2025 is a fresh new start and there’s a whole world of new horizons to explore out there begging to be reached throughout the upcoming new year ahead.

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year All, Roll on 2025!


2024 may have been a big year here on TPI, but I'm only just getting started!!

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