Is RMC Really ‘All That’?!

Is RMC Really 'All That'?!

Is RMC (aka. Rocky Mountain Construction) REALLY ‘all that’? – This is a question we have wanted to answer for a VERY long time!

After watching many of this manufacturer’s incredible looking rides open across the world riding an RMC roller coaster has always been top of our list to do.

Well, in June of this year that long pondered question was FINALLY put to bed as we stepped onboard Energylandia‘s ground up IBOX Hybrid roller coaster Zadra!

Zadra located at Energylandia in Poland was RMC's FIRST EVER 'ground up' IBOX Hybrid roller coaster.

Who Are RMC (Rocky Mountain Construction)?

Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC for short) are a U.S. based rides manufacturer. The company was first founded by Fred Grubb & Suanne Dedmon in 2001 and has since become one of the most up and coming ride manufacturers of recent times.

Why? Simple, their unique designs and patented IBOX steel track. Their specially designed roller coaster track allows for more daring and unconventional ride designs breaking the mould and cemented their status as both innovators and pioneers.

Since first founding in 2001 RMC have now since built and constructed over 20 different roller coasters worldwide. From their iconic IBOX hybrid coasters to their more daring single rail raptors RMC is leading the way with each and every ride they design.

Because of this riding an RMC roller coaster has fact become THE ‘to do’ thing with most if not all ride and roller coaster enthusiasts worldwide.

Alan Schilke is lead designer for RMC and first joined the company back in 2009 - *Image Credit - Coaster Studios.

What Makes RMC Different?

When it comes to building and designing rides, RMC don’t just look to build new! The company’s patented IBOX steel track (named after the shape of the track) is designed to be used for both new rides and conversions.

Over the years RMC have not only be known to build ‘ground up’ rides, however they have also been known to convert former wooden roller coasters too.

Notable conversions currently include Steel Vengeance (former Mean Streak) at Cedar Point & Iron Gwazi (former the dueling wooden coaster Gwazi) at Busch Gardens Tampa Bay.

The specially designed ride track also allows the train to invert too meaning RMC can design wood and steel roller coaters that sport all the appearances of your traditional woody but which include twisting steel inversions.

The ride trains themselves also sport nothing but a seat belt and a lap bar (with shin guards) restraint meaning a ride on an RMC feels very much like riding a woody too, but incredibly different at the exact same time.

Because of this the company’s ride designs are well known for being crazy, unique and outright mental where copious amounts of airtime (bum out of seat moments) is concerned.

RMC's unique ride designs combined with their signature IBOX steel track allow the ride to do many things a traditional wooden roller coaster wouldn't be able to do.

Are RMC As Great As They're Made Out To Be?

So, the million dollar (okay, pound lol) question – are RMC as good as they’re made out to be?

Well, in short, YES! After having ridden Zadra and actually experienced one of these rides for ourselves it’s safe to say Zadra blew EVERY expectation we had completely and utterly out of the water.

Now, with Zadra, it’s clear that the main aim of the ride is speed. The amount of whip and airtime included throughout the ride is insane and the hangtime/ upside down airtime (yes, that is possible) through the Zero-G Stall is INSANE!

On top of this Zadra ride’s very different depending on where you sit, but the only qualm we have are the restraints.

As much as the upper body freedom is a must, the restraints in our opinion felt EXTREMELY restrictive (particularly around the thighs).

As much as we could ride Zadra until the cows come home (and we definitely could do trust us) the restraints meant that you were stapled throughout and when you hit the brakes, the real extent of the discomfort they create becomes very apparent very quickly.

Regardless of this though RMC roller coasters are glass smooth, well designed and very clever at how they traverse the track.


Is RMC Really 'All That'?

Okay, right….. Is RMC really ‘all that’? Well, yes and no to be honest.

What the company have managed to achieve so far in their 23 year lifetime is incredible. They have broken the boundaries with showing what can be achieved where roller coaster design is concerned, but they still have a very long way to go in our opinion.

Of course, yes, we have only ridden Zadra so far and as such only have one RMC roller coaster under our belts, but rest assured, we WILL change that next year!

Ultimately as great as Zadra was it’s safe to say riding others is certainly going to prove a challenge (and expensive too).

That being said though we absolutely adored Zadra and as such this thrilling ride now holds the current top spot as our current overall number one, but will anything change that?

Watch this space, an upcoming visit to Germany could well do for sure (if you know you know)!

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