2020 – Looking back at a season with a difference!

Looking back over a season with a difference and sharing our thoughts on what we feel 2021 will bring!

OK, let’s face it! When it comes to this past season, 2020 has been far from ideal.

Heavy restrictions, limited capacities and constantly evolving rules and regulations have all meant that getting out and enjoying our passion has never proved so difficult.

All of that aside, we still feel we have had a damn good season this year overall and here’s why!

Regardless of the constant ongoing battle we have all faced this year, 2020 has still been a year for visiting new parks, forging new friendships and achieving some pretty major personal landmarks.

We only have to look at the amazing new group of close friends we have to realise that it’s not been all doom and gloom this season!

That being said 2020 has definitely still been somewhat of a challenge to put it politely.

To get a better idea of what we mean, let’s break this down!

The Lows of 2020!

Facemasks, social distancing, travel restrictions and closures across hospitality have been just some aspects of our “new normal” this year.

For theme parks this meant their 2020 UK season didn’t officially commence until July 2020.

However, if this year has taught us one thing, it’s that you don’t realise just how lucky you are to have what you have until it’s all taken away.

Even something as simple as walking around an empty park has made all the difference to our lives this year.

Other challenges this year have included reduced ride capacity and availability due to regular deep cleaning, reduced park availability (due to heavily restricted capacities) and reduced travel availability overall due to global efforts to contain the virus.

2020 has definitely not been the year to be a theme park enthusiast, that’s for sure.

Deep cleaning taking place on The Blade at Alton Towers on their July 2020 opening day!
The Highs of 2020!

This year has of course brought some amazing times too.

Our first ever visit to Thorpe Park (after 15 years of wanting to visit but being unable to do so) marked a personal landmark for us, however that’s not all we’re grateful for this season.

This year’s adventures have also meant the opportunity to meet some pretty amazing people (you all know who you are)!

With that being the case not only has our friendship group grown drastically this year, however the TPI team has also seen significant growth too.

We feel truly blessed to have experienced the amount of personal development this season we have and for us that alone makes this year the best yet.

Another main highlight was still being able to enjoy such events as Oktoberfest and Scarefest despite the heavy restrictions in place.

It’s safe to say that regardless of the challenges most parks will have faced this year they still managed to go above and beyond where guest experience was concerned.

Overall, we definitely feel this year has been without doubt not only one of TPI’s biggest, however one of our biggest yet as well.

Our first reaction exiting the Dome at Thorpe Park and seeing the island like no other spread out before us!
What will 2021 bring?

At this stage, it’s difficult to say with any certainty exactly what next season will bring.

With another potential lockdown looming and experts predicting no progress until at least spring all we can really do at the moment is hope for the best.

The one thing you can guarantee though is this – there are a whole host of brand new UK additions to look forward to next year at the very least.

Assuming the current situation resolves itself by Summer as predicted we could well see a much more normal season ahead of us, and that in itself is worth holding onto.

That being the case we could well see much better availability where admissions are concerned as well as better ride availability and a far more positive atmosphere at parks overall.

We would also hope to see the return of such cancelled events as Alton Towers Fireworks Spectacular and such Halloween Classics as York Maze Hallowscream.

Overall, despite the current scare mongering taking place in the mainstream media we definitely feel hopeful that 2021 will indeed bring a taste of normality once again.

With this being the case it’s fair to say you can expect huge things from TPI as we head into the new year, and even bigger things in the years to come!

Happy New Year Everyone!

'Inversion' at Flamingo Land Resort is just one of the many fantastic new rides set to open here in the UK in 2021!

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