Flamingo Land’s 10 Looper and why we can’t wait!

Why we can't wait to ride this fantastic new addition and what we think the future will hold for this up and coming North Yorkshire theme park resort!

Their Future Secure

Who else is as excited as we are for the launch of Flamingo Land’s brand new for 2020 Intamin 10 Looping Multi Inversion coaster?! You too? Then sit back as we share our thoughts on this season’s exciting new attraction and get ready to hear why we think this could be the best possible investment the park could have made in order to secure their future and put themselves back on the enthusiast’s ‘must visit’ list!!

It has been clear that since the addition of Hero back in 2015 Flamingo Land Resort based in Kirby Misperton, North Yorkshire just outside Malton have been in need of a real landmark attraction to help put them back on the map and secure their future as North Yorkshire’s Number one Tourist attraction! To do this however it was abundantly clear they would be in need of a brand new headline attraction to out do all others and turn the eyes of the general public back in their direction once and for all!!

The Park therefore determined that in order to do this they would need a brand new headline thrill attraction which would dwarf all of their others and would help to bring in both new and existing custom like never before! It was therefore decided that in order to do this they would have to purchase the troubled and yet to be constructed Hopi Hari coaster which had rumoured to have been sat in storage since late 2010 at it’s previous park. Ride construction had never progressed due to financial troubles at both of it’s previous locations, and finally after years of being sat unused this fantastic looking ride found it’s new home at Flamingo Land Resort!

"10 Spine Tingling Inversions!"

The ride therefore started to arrive at the park in mid 2019 with the first pieces of track being lowered into place not too long after! Since the first pieces went in and the station building started to shoot up construction has been rapid and consistent with the speed and abilities the construction company RCS have become well known for within the industry seeing most of the coaster installed and in place by Christmas 2019!

There was however a slight lull in January of 2020 which was rumoured to be down to ground works onsite, however this was never actually confirmed officially and after a slight break from it’s usual pace the ride soon began to fly up once more seeing the final piece of track lowered into place in February this year!

Ground works for themeing elements have begun, however with the onset of the devestation created by COVID-19 construction work has been believed to have ground to a halt for the time being putting the rides predicted opening date of June 27th into uncertainty! This opening date has never actually been confirmed by the park and as such this is all still very much subject to confirmation from the official source!

Snaking in and out!

The last of the ride’s elements to be lifted into place was in fact the Cobra Roll which therefore mean’t that the last piece to be placed of the coaster was infact a piece of this particular element itself!

More recently however envelope testing did commence on the ride after 2 cars of the coaster’s 6 car train were lowered and secured to the track and began the process of being pulled around the ptrack to check for any potential issues prior to full testing! This is the latest stage of construction and as such as soon as further progress can be made we expect to see the ride in full testing mode very soon indeed after the delay caused by the current ongoing situation passes and life starts to return to normal

"It'll turn your world upside down!"

So why do we think that this was the right move for the park?! 

Well, it is safe to say that although this ride has constantly been compared to Colossus at Thorpe Park (and in a way it is near identical to be perfectly honest) Colossus has not been well received in recent times! The reason for this is due to the over the shoulder restraints which have been said to give a painful and very uncomfortable ride experience! This version of the coaster however is what is commonly referred to as the Revision B model offering lap bars instead of OTSRs and does infact feature a much steeper drop, a faster lift hill due to being a cable lift and overall a far more intense experience overall!

Overall it is therefore fair to say that not only does this offer enthusiasts everything they have been craving with Colossus, but it also offers new members of the general public visiting the park for the first time a thrilling and worthwhile attraction worth making a longer commute to experience overall!

This particular ride in our opinion also seems to fit in with the park’s existing line up very well indeed as well offering a ride experience which matches the other types of experience you can expect to find from the rest of the park’s major coaster line up as well!

Overall it’s fair to say that if the park theme this ride well and market it correctly then it will draw in crowds of visitors over the coming years to come and experience this thrilling new addition for themselves and in return this will financially secure the park for at least the next 10 years, if not longer! You do however have to take into account recent events as we are still unsure at this stage the true amount of financial devastation this disease will cause, however suffice it to say that regardless of the outcome there is still a very long list of enthusiasts and general public alike who have been anxiously awaiting their first rides on this brilliant new coaster and these do infact include ourselves as well!!

Construction remains ongoing!

Here at Theme Park insanity however we do continue to monitor this rides progress and as such we continue to run our weekly (where and when possible) construction update series direct from the park itself with pictures showing the ongoing progress made onsite as well as so much more, therefore don’t forget to check out our Facebook page for weekly updates every weekend showing how far the ride has progressed and what changes have occurred that week as well!!

We also continue to watch all of the park’s social media channels, therefore as soon as any official news drops regarding a confirmed name or theme for this ride we will be sure to report here on TPI immediately!

Stay tuned therefore in the weeks and months ahead as slowly edge ever closer towards the opening of this brand new ride and our first ever ride as well! We seriously can’t wait!!

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