FIRST Sections Of NEW Nemesis Track Go Into Place!


The FIRST Sections Of NEW Nemesis Track Have Officially Been Secured Into Place!

The first sections of BRAND NEW roller coaster track for Nemesis at Alton Towers have officially been secured into place.

Ginger and Brown were the first to spot the landmark had been reached this morning during their arrival in Forbidden Valley.

This marks a HUGE landmark in the Nemesis construction project and means that work is now well underway to retrack the ride with it’s new track.

Along with this, Alton Towers also shared an official press release confirming the new ride track had reached the resort under the supervision of the Phalanx.

“The brand new track of the legendary Alton Towers roller coaster Nemesis has arrived on site following its closure in November last year ahead of a revamp.

The new track has changed colour (previously white) to black, with menacing red veins appearing along its length. The entire 250-tonne, 716-metre-long track will be replaced ahead of its opening in 2024.

Fans of Nemesis can now watch the transformation of the ride take place on a newly constructed viewing platform, overlooking the site – allowing up to 30 people at a time to get a glimpse of what’s to come at a truly iconic roller coaster.”

Alongside this, Alton Towers also shared some fantastic official images (see below) of Phalanx operatives inspecting the new track as it arrives in Forbidden Valley.


Nemesis’ new track is believed to have been lifted into place in the early hours of this morning (26/04/2023) following the ride’s supports being installed yesterday (25/04/2023).

As mentioned previously Dan from Ginger & Brown was first on the scene this morning and managed to capture some great shots of the new track in place.

It’s safe to say the new ride track and it’s design perfectly compliment both the aesthetic of Nemesis and it’s storyline as a whole.

Check out the below shots captured by Dan this morning showing the new Nemesis  track in place on the ride’s final turn around before the break run.


Alongside the ongoing installation of the new Nemesis track, Alton Towers (or should we say ‘The Phalanx’) have also opened up a brand new observation platform.

The newly themed area allows park guests to get a glimpse of the ongoing ‘investigation’ at a ‘safe distance’ from the Nemesis creature.

Over the coming months it’s safe to say we’re going to get some absolutely fantastic views of the new version of Nemesis as the work progresses.


Overall we can’t wait to watch Alton Towers transform Nemesis in the months ahead as the iconic ride inches ever closer to it’s 30th anniversary in 2024.

With so many supposed surprises and changes reportedly instore it’s going to be very interesting to see exactly what else changes about the ride’s classic appearance.

Personally, we’re hoping for the return of the red rivers, an updated much more modern look for Nemmy herself (including special effects and screens etc to give her a much more lifelike look) and even more great surprises along the way.

Are you as excited as we are for the rebirth of Nemesis in 2024? If so, we would love to hear all of your expectations and predictions in the comments below.

In the meantime however, why not head on over to our official YouTube channel for even more great content centered around the ride’s rebirth?!

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