Cedar Point To Reveal What’s Next For Top Thrill Dragster!


Cedar Point Have Revealed A BIG Announcement About Top Thrill Dragster 2.0 Is Coming!

Cedar Point – one of North America’s largest amusement parks has revealed plans to make a BIG announcement this August.

The park (primarily known for such iconic roller coasters as Steel Vengeance, Maverick and Millennium Force to name but a few) has revealed plans to announce ‘what’s next’ for their much loved Intamin Accelerator roller coaster Top Thrill Dragster.

Following a tragic accident in which a woman was sadly left permanently brain damaged, Cedar Point have been hard at work to reopen the ride in a newly ‘reimagined’ (and most importantly SAFE) way next year.

There has been much speculation surrounding what could be next for the ride, however recent ground were spotted to be taking place indicating rumours to extend the ride could well be true.

Cedar Point are also rumoured to be working alongside Italian ride manufacturers Zamperla to re-imagine Top Thrill Dragster, however this is still yet to be confirmed.

Last night however Cedar Point published a teaser image on their official social media inviting their followers to “Get Revved Up” for an announcement with the date 08.01.2023.

Top Thrill Dragster - Cedar Point's iconic Intamin Accelerator roller coaster is set to reopen in 2024 in a newly re-imagined way.

A BRAND NEW twisted spike breaking record heights and an LSM launch are just some of the newly re-imagined features speculated to be coming to the ride next year.

On August 1st however, all rumours look set to be put to bed as Cedar Point reveal they plan to announce ‘what comes next’ for their beloved launched roller coaster.

Recent ride parts and supports have also arrived at the park seemingly confirming Zamperla are infact involved in the project and engineers have also been seen repainting the roller in coaster in it’s brand new colour scheme – white track and black supports.

If Zamperla were to be announced as being involved (as is predicted) this would be the biggest roller coaster project of their careers to date.

We look forward to finding what what lies instore for Top Thrill Dragster 2.0 in the coming weeks and we’ll be sure to share more with you all here as soon as it becomes available.

In the meantime, why not check out our recent video discussing all of the latest evidence supporting the addition of a giant twisted spike below?

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